

Take the first step to becoming a volunteer advocate:


Collaborative Family Engagement Workshop

On Friday, September 14th from 1:00-3:00 pm in the CASA Training Room, CFE Leads Charlotte Tabarini and Jane Funke will be available to work with any Advocates who may have a case where the CFE approach is being utilized or who are interested in learning more about the tools and resources available.

CFE stands for Collaborative Family Engagement and the goal is to identify, engage, and strengthen positive connections for our CASA children in care. Creating a sense of normalcy and maintaining positive relationships is critical to reducing the trauma experienced by these children.

Advocates are welcome to bring actual case information to use some of the resources if they wish. A general overview will also be discussed and questions answered. You will also receive 2 hours of continuing education credit. **Session is limited to 10 Advocates. RSVP HERE!** For more information, please contact Jane Funke at jfunke@CasaSpeaks4Kids.com  or Charlotte Tabarini at ctabarini@CASASpeaks4Kids.com.