

Take the first step to becoming a volunteer advocate:


child with doctorYou may have heard the term “Health Passport” and you know it has something to do with medical advocacy and we are supposed to look at it.

What is the Health Passport?

Sometimes the green binder that is supposed to move with the child from placement to placement is referred to as the Health Passport. But there is also an electronic Health Passport that can be reviewed as well. Mandy Stegint, CASA Advocacy Manager, has access to the electronic Heath Passport. The following information can be pulled from the Health Passport: Face Sheet, Contacts, Allergies, Assessments, Growth Chart, Immunizations, Labs, Medication History, and Patient History.

Accessing Health Passport Information Prior to a Court Hearing

Upon request, Mandy will pull information from the Health Passport and upload it to Optima so the information can be reviewed. Ideally you will make this request a month prior to a court hearing and you can document review of the Health Passport in your court report. For example, in our court reports we say “According to Health Passport…”

How to Request Health Passport Information

You can make your request for the Health Passport to Mandy by email at mandy@CASASpeaks4kids.com. Mandy will need the child’s first and name as well as their Medicaid number or PID number The PID number can be obtained from Case Connection. The Medicaid number and PID of DFPS number can be obtained from the Medical Consenter form or Education Decision Maker form that is filed with the Court. The CPS Caseworker can also provide these numbers.

As a reminder, medical advocacy must occur and be documented every 3 months.