Remember those 2015 New Year’s Resolutions? Many are lost along the way, but some can be counted as gains. We’re proud to say we had many achievements in 2015. We’re not bragging, but actually asking for your help to continue working to improve the lives of and outcomes for abused and neglected children in 2016…. Read more »
News & Events
Home for the Holidays
“Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmas-time.” ― Laura Ingalls Wilder
#Giving Tuesday and CASA Child Advocates of Montgomery County
With the holidays rapidly approaching, the season for giving has begun. Everyone is familiar with Black Friday. However, how many know what Giving Tuesday is? It is a movement to create a national day of giving. Giving Tuesday is the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving, and this year occurs on December 1st.
November 21st is National Adoption Day
It’s almost time. November 21st is National Adoption Day. More than 100,000 children in the United States are waiting for a loving home (52% male and 48% female). The average time a child spends in foster care is 4 years…4 years too long to wait for a permanent family and the affection every child needs.
Trauma Informed Care vs. Trauma Specific Treatment
The word ‘trauma’ is used to describe emotionally painful and distressing experiences or situations that overwhelm a person’s ability to cope, rendering him or her powerless. Most of us can generally grasp the meaning of the word, but how many can actually empathize with the damage trauma causes? Trauma is widespread. At some point in… Read more »
Halloween is one of the most fun and celebrated holidays of the season, but it is also one of the most dangerous days of the year. An average of 5.5 pedestrians are killed every year on Halloween compared to 2.6 on any other day. It is easy to protect you and your children and avoid… Read more »
10 Fun Halloween Projects for Kids
Halloween doesn’t have to be about spending a fortune on decorations and costumes. We’ve put together a list of inexpensive and fun crafting projects for the family so you can enjoy the tricks and treats of the season.
Trauma Informed Care for Children in the Child Welfare System
It is heart-wrenching to think about child abuse or neglect—an innocent child subjected to trauma that can cause lasting effects. But this post is about how to negate those potential physical and emotional dangers. Children entering the foster care system are more likely to be victims of complex trauma and polyvictimization through no fault of… Read more »
October Is National Bullying Prevention Month
October is National Bullying Awareness & Prevention Month. As we continue to fight for stability in the lives of abused and neglected children, this is a time to reflect on the emotional and physical abuse that comes not from an abusive home, but from other children.
10 Ideas for Outdoor Activities for Kids
The start to another school year is already upon us, but that doesn’t mean the fun of summer has to stop. We still have plenty of warm days ahead. Keep your kids entertained in the evenings and away from the screen. Try these entertaining outdoor games for the whole family.