

Take the first step to becoming a volunteer advocate:


Superhero Run 2020 runnersWe will harness our powers for ONE Event as ONE superhero collective with ONE Mission!

Your fundraising helps recruit, train and support CASA volunteers and provides the professional staff and resources they need to advocate powerfully for the most vulnerable children in our community.

You can form a team to fundraise together (see the Capes for CASA Team fundraising competitions below) and/or raise funds on your own for individual fundraising prizes (scroll down to see the swag!)

Download the 2021 event flyer here.

First step: register yourself and/or set up your team

The first step is to register yourself for your chosen event – 5K or 10K (in-person, timed trail runs or virtual options are available), and/or Children’s Trail of Treats and Fall Festival – set up your team if you will be the team captain, or join a team that has already been established. Register here and then come back to download the Superhero’s Guide to Fundraising and the Team Captain Toolkit for tons of great tips, resources and suggestions to help you SOAR above the rest! Join the Facebook Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CASAsuperherorun.

Download the Superhero’s Guide to Fundraising here

Capes for CASA Team Fundraising Competition

Black Pearl TechnologySummon your Superhero Squad to have fun, raise money – virtually – to make a difference in kids’ lives, and earn some seriously amazing prizes (see below…) while you do it! Plus, the top fundraising team will be remembered forever! Their team name will be engraved on the traveling “Capes for CASA” trophy base AND you get to display the trophy and bragging rights for the next year!

(Black Pearl Technology claimed the 2020 title…)

Team Captains

Download your Team Captain Toolkit here

Download the Superhero’s Guide to Fundraising here

Capes for CASA Youth Team Competition!

Lake Creek Lions XCWhether it’s your cross country or track team, your volleyball or football teammates, or your student council members wanting to challenge National Honor Society members, you can sign up for the CASA Superhero Run and Fall Festival to earn up to TWO trophies – one for the largest number of participants on a team, and one for the highest fundraising amount by a team! (Oh, and a gift card for a pizza party!)

Lake Creek Lions XC claimed BOTH 2020 titles for highest team fundraising AND largest team!

Team Captains

Download your Team Captain Toolkit here

Download the Superhero’s Guide to Fundraising here

Capes for CASA School/Youth Division Age Group:
  • Youth (All ages and grades, pre-school through 12th grade)

Win awesome prizes for fundraising*!

  • Raise $50 to win a neck gator
  • Raise $100 to win a premium drawstring bag
  • Raise $250 to win a runner’s belt
  • Raise $500 to join the CASA Crusaders and win a premium seat cover

*Only applicable to individual fundraiser pages. Team donations will not be counted towards individual prizes.

Superhero’s Guide to Fundraising

REGISTER YOurself and/or your team here.


Looking for creative ideas to help you fundraise? Check out the Superhero’s Guide to Fundraising and fun messaging templates below!

Need fundraising support? Email CASARun@CASASpeaks4Kids.com for more help!

Fundraising Email Template

Suggested Subject: Superheroes… Capes or no capes? I need to know what you think…

Hi Super Friend,

In the Incredibles, Edna Mode insists that superheroes shouldn’t wear capes, and lists several heroes whose capes ended their careers prematurely. But trying telling that to Batman or Superman… So, now I’m stuck! Cape or no cape?

Let me back up for a minute and explain my dilemma. This fall, I’ll be transforming into [YOUR SUPERHERO] as part of the 2021 CASA Superhero Run, Children’s Trail of Treats and Fall Festival! This will be fun, but I’m doing it for a more important reason, one that I hope you will help me with.

CASA speaks up for children who’ve been abused or neglected by empowering our community to volunteer as Advocates for them in the court system. When the state steps in to protect a child’s safety, a judge appoints a trained CASA volunteer to make independent and informed recommendations in the child’s best interest. CASA volunteers take the time to get to know all parts of a child’s life. They ensure that each child’s individual needs remain a priority in an over-burdened child welfare system.

I’m setting a goal to raise [$YOUR GOAL] to help support CASA in this cause. Will you help me be a SUPERHERO by donating today at [YOUR PERSONAL FUNDRAISING LINK]?

And let me know your thoughts on a cape…


P.S. You are also welcome to join me at https://bit.ly/2021_CASA_Supehero_Run_Fall_Festival. Run or walk in-person or virtually (or do ZERO and still be a hero in the Hero ZeroK,) come out for family fun at the Children’s Trail of Treats and Fall Festival, AND become a Super Fundraiser!

Facebook/Instagram/LinkedIn Messaging

If I learned anything from superheroes, it’s that “with great power comes great responsibility.” I’m using my great power to help children who have been abused or neglected. Will you be my trusty sidekick for the 2021 CASA Superhero Run and Fall Festival and make a donation to my personal fundraising page? #casasuperherorun2021 – Link to your personal fundraising page

Avengers Assemble! I’m fighting to be a force for good through the CASA Superhero Run and Fall Festival, which is coming up on October 30th. Though my superpowers are mighty, I need the help of other heroes to accomplish this mission. Donate to my fundraising efforts and our combined powers can help children who have been abused or neglected! #casasuperherorun2021 – Link to your personal fundraising page

Just like T’Challa says, we must work to be an example of how we, as brothers and sisters on this earth, should treat each other. Let’s take a lesson from Black Panther and combine superpowers during the 2020 CASA Superhero Run and Fall Festival to help children who’ve been abused or neglected. Please donate to help me meet my fundraising goal! #casasuperherorun2021 – Link to your personal fundraising page

Twitter Messaging

Help me be a superhero for kids this Super September by supporting @CASAMontgomery – Donate today! #casasuperherorun2021 – Link to your personal fundraising page

“I fight for those who cannot fight for themselves” – Wonder Woman. Help me help kids in our community and reach my #casasuperherorun2021 fundraising goal – Link to your personal fundraising page

With great power comes great responsibility. Help me support kids in need this Super September and meet my $??? fundraising goal! #casasuperherorun2021 – Link to your personal fundraising page

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a chance to help children who need it most! Donate to @CASAMontgomery #casasuperherorun2021 – Link to your personal fundraising page