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10 Ideas for Outdoor Activities for Kids


The start to another school year is already upon us, but that doesn’t mean the fun of summer has to stop. We still have plenty of warm days ahead. Keep your kids entertained in the evenings and away from the screen. Try these entertaining outdoor games for the whole family.

Healthy Tips for Kids This School Year


Ready or not, another school year is in full swing. Now. You’re done shopping for new clothes, shoes, super hero backpacks, and necessary school supplies. You’ve taken all the kids for a haircut and talked with them through first day jitters. The back-to-school chaos is over; you can take a breather and consider these tips… Read more »

Bonding Opportunity: Backyard Camping with the Family


You’ve no need to load the family into the SUV and seek out a campground. Enjoy your own backyard and create a memorable and fun experience for everyone (all within comfortable reach of a fridge and bathrooms). Backyard camping is an excellent way to fit in that all-important family bonding time.

How to Train a Child for a 5K Run


A great way to spend time with your child and practice a more active lifestyle in the process is running together. The rewards are actually triple fold—this sport offers a long-term chance to bond! Many parents are looking for a means to become closer with their children. Working toward a common goal is a definite… Read more »

Finding Home: A Success Story for April and Her CASA Advocate


April’s mother was proud of the fact that five-year-old April slept in bed beside her every night, even as an array of strange men occupied the bed on the other side. A neighbor, concerned about April’s safety, contacted Child Protective Services, and April was removed from a dangerous situation.

Identifying the Different Types of Child Abuse


Today, 185 children will be maltreated in Texas. Last year, more than 65,000 cases of abuse and neglect were confirmed in Texas alone. One in four girls are sexually abused before their eighteenth birthday, and one in six boys suffer sexual abuse. Here we identify the four main types of child maltreatment with the hope… Read more »

Risk Factors for Child Abuse and Neglect


Research has revealed many risk factors or attributes associated with child maltreatment. These risk factors may potentially contribute to child abuse and neglect.

Senator Unveils New Bill To Keep Children Out of Foster Care


We are CASA. An organization of volunteers that fights to provide abused and neglected children safe, permanent, homes. As we say, our goal is permanency for the child. When possible, our first objective is to try to reunite children with their families. Sometimes the situation can be resolved when the child is temporarily removed from… Read more »

Warning Signs of Child Abuse and Neglect


The four main types of child maltreatment are physical abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, and emotional abuse. “Physical Abuse is physical injury that results in significant harm to the child, or the honest threat of substantial harm dealt from physical injury to the child. Neglect is failure to provide for a child’s basic needs necessary to… Read more »

We’ve Reached a Milestone! And Hope Our Future Is Just As Bright!


The mission of CASA Child Advocates of Montgomery County is to “provide and promote court-appointed volunteer advocacy so that every abused and neglected child can have the opportunity to thrive in a safe, nurturing, and permanent home.” In June of 2015, CASA accomplished its mission to provide an Advocate for each abused and neglected child… Read more »