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Making Smooth Transitions for the Youngest Children in Foster Care


Infants and toddlers who are removed from their home and placed in foster care need special consideration and guidance through the grieving process, in their relationships, and through transitions from one caregiver to another. Because they may be non-verbal or lack the developmental ability and maturity to understand what is happening to them, let alone… Read more »

How CASA Helps Reunite Families


For many parents whose children have been removed from the home, Child Protective Services (CPS) may seem like the “villain” who stole their children, rather than as a resource to help stabilize and preserve their family and to protect children from abuse and neglect. For case workers, attorneys, and judges, it’s often hard to see… Read more »

How One Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Made a Difference


Success for a child in foster care may look a little different than what one might consider success for a typical child. Success for them is one more step toward overcoming abuse, neglect, or abandonment. Success might mean a year of school uninterrupted by a change in household. Success often means finding permanency, whether that… Read more »

Resolve to Make a Difference in 2015


In 2015, resolve to make a difference. Children in your community need someone to walk with them through some of the most difficult times a child can face. After suffering abuse and neglect, children who are placed in foster care need a voice, an Advocate. Resolve to stand up for a child who needs you… Read more »

Home for the Holidays, Home for Always


Most of us grew up with family holiday traditions. We could expect certain things to happen on special days every year, cementing specific memories and feelings and the satisfaction of met expectations. Even when things didn’t always go smoothly, the holidays held a certain rhythm and excitement that could be counted on. For children in… Read more »