View Advisory Council member list as a PDF.
Rodney Anderson
Kim Angle
Rob Banzhaf
Debbie Bates
Kevin C. Buchanan
Gordy and Michelle Bunch
Rose Mary Bundscho
Bruce Callender
Bob Craig
Scott Creasman
George Danner
Fred Domenick
Robert G. Evans
Pat Fain
Mary-Lou Fitch
Jim Fredricks
Bill Friebel
Anthony Garcia
Sharon Geib
Russ Gunther
Steve Hann
Daniel Hannon
Scott Harper
Kathy Hudson
Phil Inman
Patrick Jaggers
Steve Johnson
Richard Judge
Natalie Kamps
Renee Kelly
Scott Kidd
Debbi Kremer
Kim Lacayo
Karla LaFitte
Dennis and Michelle Leary
Terry and Sherry Mayhill
Steve McNew
David McWilliams
Whitney Montgomery
Judy Niekerk
Gus and Ellen Nodwell
Chris Osborne
Wesley Padgett
John Palilla
Greg Parsons
James Pung
Rick Raanes
Patti Rascon
Kammy Reece
Paul Resurreccion
Jeff Rhame
Kara Richmond
Odessia Ross
Angie Santos
John Schoepf
Terry Sellers
Rob Short
Richard Taylor
Brandon Thomas
John Tombari
Jay Tompkins
Coulson Tough
David Trice
Mary Ann Turner
Debby Vertrees
Monica Vils-Brawner
Rich Wales
Colleen Waymel
Lindsey Witt
Edward Steven Wright
Alison Yee