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What is it?

TBRI® is an attachment-based, trauma-informed intervention that is designed to meet the complex needs of vulnerable children. TBRI® uses Empowering Principles to address physical needs, Connecting Principles for attachment needs, and Correcting Principles to disarm fear-based behaviors. While the intervention is based on years of attachment, sensory processing, and neuroscience research, the heartbeat of TBRI® is connection.

Continuing Education Resources:

TBRI® Animate: What is TBRI?

Summary: What is TBRI®? Courtesy of the Karyn Purvis Institute of Childhood Development, this new video resource helps answers that very question. It is the Institute’s hope that the TBRI Animate will inspire parents and professionals across the world to bring deep healing to vulnerable children.

TBRI® Animate: Attachment

Summary: Young children use their attachment figure as a secure base for exploring understanding the world around them. The relationship between child and caregiver lays the groundwork for interpersonal connections throughout the lifespan. When attachment is derailed, children may display confusing behaviors and struggle to trust even loving, safe caregivers. Although this is a sobering reality, there is hope for these children. TBRI® is an attachment-based, trauma-informed intervention that is designed to meet the complex needs of vulnerable children. By understanding the importance of attachment needs, we can help these children begin to trust the adults who care for them.

TBRI® VIDeO: Tools for School

Summary: An excerpt from the DVD, Children From Hard Places and the Brain, that discusses helpful tools for children in the school environment.

TBRI® VIDeO: How to handle manipulation and control

Summary: Parents often find that their child from a hard place is prone to use manipulative and controlling behaviors.

TBRI® VIDeO: Children from Hard Places

Summary: Watch as Dr. Karyn Purvis outlines the common characteristics of children from hard places and offers insight into what these children need most to help them heal and become whole.

TBRI® VIDeO: Is it Adoption Related or Not?

Summary: Watch as Dr. Karyn Purvis answers the challenging question that many adoptive parents ask: is it adoption related or just typical child behavior? In this brief video she offers helpful insights and encourages parents to always be mindful of their child’s history.

Starting Small with Eye Contact

Summary: While eye contact certainly serves the function of getting attention, a key to Trust-Based Relational Intervention®(TBRI®) is utilizing eye contact first to build connection.


Foster Care and the Holidays

Summary: Christmas, Hanukah, New Years, Kwanzaa; these are times that can be extremely difficult for many foster children. During this time of Holiday Cheer, many foster children are faced with the realization that they will not be “home for the holidays,” so to speak, with their biological family members.


Helping Youth in foster care through the Holidays

Summary: A personal story from a former foster youth about his difficulties during the holidays, plus 12 ideas for supportive adults to help their young person through the holidays, 10 tips for foster youth to help get through the holidays, and the best places and ways to give back.


Creating Structure during the Chaos of the Holidays

Summary: During this episode of The Honestly Adoption Podcast, Mike and Kristin are joined by Licensed Mental Health Counselor and therapist, Ruth Graham as they discuss how to create structure during the chaos of the holidays. This is one part of their holiday series entitled, “Holiday Survival Tips and Tricks.”

Listen to Podcast.

Overstimulation and the Holidays

Summary: The holiday season is full of fun and exciting sights, sounds, smells, treats, and activities. During this episode of The Honestly Adoption Podcast, Mike and Kristin have asked their good friend, Jenn Hook, to join them as they discuss some ways parents can handle overstimulation with their kids during the holiday season. This is another part of their holiday series entitled, “Holiday Survival Tips and Tricks.”

Listen to Podcast.


Summary: Developing a trusting relationship with any teenager can be a challenge. For teenagers with traumatic backgrounds of abuse, neglect or broken homes, it’s especially challenging for both the teens and the adults who care for them. In this video Dr. Karyn Purvis, of the Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development at Texas Christian University, shares some TBRI strategies that can be used with teens.

TBRI®: The IDEAL Response©

Summary: When a child from a hard place doesn’t feel safe, the result is often behaviors that appear willful, baffling, and infuriating to caregivers. How we respond is critical. Trust-Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®) has developed a guideline to help.

Learn more.

Strategies for a Successful Summer: Preparing caregivers and empowering children

Summary: Transition from the structure of school to unstructured summer is difficult for children in foster care. We want to prepare foster parents and kinship placements for this challenge. Many placements break down over the summer. We want to empower our children to have a successful summer. Caregivers need to be aware of the need for structure and physical play but also not over-sensory stimulation. Presented by Ann Marie Ronsman.

DOWNLOAD THE HANDOUT: Strategies for a Successful Summer