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2014 Montgomery County Women of Distinction Honors Cheryl Sellers

Cheryl Sellers Volunteer Dedication… It’s Timeless

Each year, the Montgomery County Women’s Council of Organizations (MCWCO) comes together for the Women of Distinction Luncheon to celebrate all the many accomplishments provided by volunteers to local charitable organizations performed during the year.

This year’s annual Women of Distinction luncheon was held Friday, May 23, 2014 at The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel and Convention Center. The event began at 10:30 with a silent auction and lunch at 11:30.

During the luncheon, the featured guest speaker was business leader, teamwork specialist, presentation skills coach, motivational speaker and humorous author Anne Barab. Anne shared her real-life experiences, insights and her unshakeable optimism in the goodness of life.

The goal of the Women of Distinction luncheon is to shine a light on a specific volunteer from a local nonprofit agency. CASA Board Member and Volunteer, Cheryl Sellers, was honored at this year’s event.