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About the Legislative Action Team at CASA Child Advocates of Montgomery County

By Susan Truscott, Case Supervisor & Legislative Action Team Staff Liaison

2021 CASA Day at the CapitolDid you know that Texas CASA has a Public Policy Team that coordinates lobbying for Texas CASA?

  • During the 86th Texas Legislative Session in 2019, Texas CASA tracked 227 bills, 28 of which passed. The Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) is now working on implementation of those bills.
  • CASA testified 30 times and registered a position on 95 bills.
  • 241 Advocates attended the Capitol Day and responded to 18 action alerts, which is where local Legislative Advocacy Teams (LAT) reach out to their Legislators about a proposed bill.
  • CASA held 110 meetings with legislative offices during the 86th session, and offices reported that it was amazing how CASA input changed their perspectives.

The 87th Texas Legislative Session has now commenced and our work continues, particularly important this year where COVID has put pressure on the budget. CASA Child Advocates of Montgomery County has our own Legislative Action Team who will be contacting our Legislative Representatives about CASA priorities as the Bills progress through the Senate and the House.

CASA Day at the Capitol

Although things look a little different this year due to COVID, Texas CASA will again be holding “A Day at the Capitol” on February 16-17, although this year we will gather and meet virtually. This session, Texas CASA has one Champion Bill, relating to age-appropriate normalcy activities for children; two high-priority bills relating to College credit for foster children upon completion of the PAL program and Foster Children being given a copy of the Foster Children’s Bill of Rights. Texas CASA is also supporting a number of other bills.

More information can be found on the Texas CASA website or contact Susan Truscott, staff liaison on the LAT.